Ice and Sky
The questions that lead us on our way — on our journeys. We wonder, plan, and then walk towards discoveries. Or, we find more questions unanswered. School without walls, but with plenty of wind, sun, snow, ice, and open sky.
Grandmother Magic
As many early childhood programs across Maryland moved outdoors and our own program moved fully outdoors, we all soon discovered that there actually is such thing as bad weather. The answer, of course, is planning and figuring out how we begin our day in response to ANY kind of weather. In this case, we have something we call “grandmother magic” in crochet blankets and Teresa, our Seeds class teacher, a good bit of Tia magic.
Cliff of Doom (The Gifts of Awe and Wonder)
Wonder and awe. These are gifts that will stand for us. They are the things that will bring us comfort and settle us during times we feel stuck and at a loss for how to proceed.
Waiting For The Sun
Yes, yes, emergent learning took us to the bridge to learn about its great height, its arches, and where it can be found in relation to where we are. We found all that, but let me tell you about the moment that will stay with these children.
The Thing That Will Last
The last day of school. Their hearts are full of what they know and their strides are long. They are filled with the news of the world because they know every inch of their own world. They hold and hold and then off they go.