Bob's, Exquisite Fine Dining
The story of Bob begins with a camper who attended the summers of 2014 and 15. The idea of Bob-ness was so compelling that new Bob's spring up every summer since. The Bob story is passed on from camper to camper.
Top of the World
She also never gave up. There were frustrated tears and there was comforting and encouragement. All that was followed by steely resolve and months, months of trial and error, trial and error. This is the kind of confidence builder you cannot manufacture or lesson plan out. And she will carry it with her always.
The Things That Never Get Finished
With all the dancing, decorating feet circling the cedar, things were suddenly revealed. Half-worms, new beetles, and roots. The worms and beetles were given homes, but the true treasure was a bamboo shoot. It surely is the longest thing to ever exist on this planet.
We Never Got to Play!
There is a frenzy of pen to paper. More paper is called for and tape. More tape. These signs must be posted. Immediately because without them, no one will know that BABIES ARE NOT ALLOWED. Only space buddhas can enter here.