Travel Light...City & Forest
We travel light to city and forest, but we aren’t really traveling light, are we? We bring our own play histories with us and we share these with the children. We help them find ingredients for potions, sticks for fairy houses, leaves for letters and packages. We gift them with story and imagination.
Yellow Jacket Sisters
Three children had been stung by yellow jackets. The stings had not happened at school, but the memories and the desire to not be stung again ruled the day(s). Play and story came to the rescue.
The Sandpit
On the 1st day, there was a story about mermaid hearts. On the second it was a cake, but not just any cake, of course. On the 3rd day, there was a visit to Granma’s house and then on the 4th, a vampire musical was launched with only a sliver of sand available. So many stories revealed.
Becoming a reader
While the reading of a book holds great value, holding the story close in order to more fully explore the imaginings of the author's tale is an even greater value.This is how a child becomes a reader.