Coffee and sharing
Welcome to one of our Saturday morning coffees. Attendees asked for a follow-up and I thought it would be nice to share the follow-up through this blog for them and then if you didn’t get to attend (because of course you are always invited) you can get an idea about what to expect. You can find the whole schedule <here> which includes a link to register.
What a cooperative school offers parents
Cooperative schools were formed to provide mothers with work experience along with continued and diverse educational opportunities. All that was housed in a communal effort with childcare because women know instinctively that we are stronger together.
The Parents Aren't the Problem
Parents embrace the play. They also question. They wonder. They also disagree. They worry. They want more information. Oh my goodness, it is as if they CARE about what is going on with their children. And isn't that what I do as well?
Parents On Site and IN On the Play!
The parent partnership is so comfortable and so ingrained that it is difficult to describe the process in which it is shaped to a person outside of the cooperative model! Yet it is the very source of our school and every participatory model school's longterm success and exactly the reason we are able to hold to a play-based model. Parents, once they are involved, arrive naturally to the play-based model.