Travel Light...City & Forest
We travel light to city and forest, but we aren’t really traveling light, are we? We bring our own play histories with us and we share these with the children. We help them find ingredients for potions, sticks for fairy houses, leaves for letters and packages. We gift them with story and imagination.
Writing a New Chapter
There is only one choice. Like the saplings our Tracks class plant each year, like the children we raise, we must grow. We'll become a school that will safeguard a space of play, of creation, and of curiosity for children ages 2 through 8.
Why "Buy-in" is Part of the Cooperative Experience
We have time to talk about books she has "from school." These same books are shared via weekly updates written by the teachers for the teaching team. The teaching team consists of co-oping parents and teachers. We work in partnership, but the only way the partnership works is when parents "buy in."
Dirt is Good
Dirt is good for you. That's the news of the day.But you know what is really good for you? Memories. The dirt is fleeting, but it holds forever in the memories of the best days ever. Standing around with some of the parents, we shared stories of our own camping adventures from when we were young.
The Treasure in Front of You
We have been planning for our 75th Anniversary of the Cooperative School. How do we mark the passing of years in a meaningful way? One way is with these journals, collected year after year...they are the treasures right in front of us.