The Light Is All Around Us. Winter Solstice.
When we walk along our “main” street during school time, we wave to the #12 bus as the drivers travel back and forth between the Metro stations. Most times, the drivers beep, beep the horn in the way of greeting.
So it was truly special when, with perfect timing, the #12 drove by us during our Solstice evening lantern walk, this time without the extra sound which is fine, fine because the bus is full and the street was so crowded with all the going-home traffic. A beep would have disrupted the bustle but the driver waved and we enjoyed the connection to our place.
On this evening, the Winter Solstice, we could not see the stars. There was a wash of clouds and the city lights, all of them, Silver Spring, Takoma Park, Washington DC set these in a hazy yellow. We walk on sidewalks, not forest floor, the trees above are the ones that edge the backs of the houses and apartment buildings along our way.
The light was all around us. By lantern light, by firelight, and in our hearts.
It was truly a perfect night.
Our friend, the #12, passes us by on our solstice lantern walk.
Greenery surrounds the fire pit, making the firelight festive and merry.
Lanterns on display, just before story time, “The Dark” by Lemony Snicket, illustrated by Jon Klassen. This book holds so much truth in it. Without the dark, we would not have light. We strike a balance.
At the end of the evening, the children and their families were invited to bring home little packages of sunshine. Happy Winter Solstice.