Ready to Launch
The Lanterns float with the Washington Monument in the background.
Aimee Domire, co-President of the Cooperative School shares, “We walk our children through the school’s garden gates with the intention of raising them as learners, growing them as people, nurturing them as friends and community members so we can send them off. We walk our children through the garden gates so that one day they’ll be ready. Ready to go.”
Here is her whole speech. Such lovely words that capture that bittersweet time of moving on and saying goodbye (for the moment). The bonds that are formed are unbreakable. Enjoy!
“Welcome, everyone, to the 16th annual lantern launch. I’m glad you were able to make the journey to join our community for this special celebration. What a magical tradition our teachers have created, one that embodies so much of what our children gain during their time at the Cooperative School. As you look around, doesn’t this just feel like the Cooperative School way to do a sendoff? Intricately designed artwork displayed on handcrafted lanterns, a community of families picnicking together, children running with friends. Thank you, teachers, for all of your visions, but an extra special thank you for this vision.
You know, earlier in the week, the symbolism of lanterns sailing away, away from this school, this community, this perfect way to start a formal education made me feel sad. But with more thought, I’ve come to realize that this is the way it’s supposed to be.
We walk our children through the school’s garden gates with the intention of raising them as learners, growing them as people, nurturing them as friends and community members so we can send them off. We walk our children through the garden gates so that one day they’ll be ready. Ready to go.
As I watched the Tracks on their final day of nursery school – immersed in play in their outdoor space, story seeping out of every crevice of the backyard, I could see it. Our Elsa kittens and master builders. Our magical fairies and treasure stealers. Our dragon trainers and potion makers. Our map drawers, sign writers, and tree climbers. Our pod racer creators, Linden woods inhabitants, and full body portrait makers — they are ready. Tracks 2015, you are ready. Ready to launch.
So it is with much fondness for each and every Track and with gratitude for getting to be a part of the pages of their nursery school story that I say, Farewell Tracks 2015.
And parents, as your children launch their lanterns into the water, marking the transition to the next stop on their journey, I’m sure you’ll join me in flipping through the memories of another finely written chapter.”