Pay it Forward

Another daisy is added to the chain. Do you want to be the next one? You just need a blog and promise to pay it forward to three more blogs authors. Here is the story of our particular pay it forward daisy chain as well as an invitation to play. Mom and Kiddo of What Do We Do All Day? in New York city tagged Scott of Brick by Brick in Tennessee and he tagged Donna and Sherry of Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning in Australia. They then tagged Maureen  at Strong Start in Canada who tagged Karen at Flights of Whimsy in Australia. She tagged Kierna at Learning for Life  in Ireland then lo and behold, we received a wonderful package from Ireland. This daisy chain only traces our part of the story! Each of these bloggers sent two and even three packages to other people/blogs. This means that this adventure is an exponential one and you know how all us ECE-types love the math!

Our package from Ireland included two maps, a great book, Finn's Causeway Adventure by Lauren Graham, a leprechaun, a packet of Irish wildflower seeds, a calendar, and some Play Outdoor stickers. The seeds arrived at a perfect time, Spring has sprung here early and is it possible to have a better book for an early childhood classroom? It has the wild rocks of the Giant's Causeway  and a shark.

So here are the rules...

So if you would like to play AND are willing to Pay it Forward from your own blog, then here is what you do. Leave a comment on this post stating that you want to play, and we will randomly choose three players.
You can be from anywhere in the world, but you must have a blog.
The rules are:
• To the three participants I will send a fun package representing the State of Maryland or Washington, DC (we are located in Maryland and our immediate neighbor is DC).
• You must be willing to Pay it Forward to three more people/blogs.
• Comments will remain open until March 30, 2012.
• If you are chosen you will need to send me your postal address so that I know where to send your parcel.
• After you receive the package you will need to Pay it Forward in the same manner on your blog.

We Are Collaborative


A Tale of Two (and Half) Trays