Takoma Park Cooperative Nursery School

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Ice becomes a puzzle to put back together.

When ice shows up, it is usually pretty magic. It is the best part of the day even with the cold. Stomping around, making up a song about going on an ice hunt, was just the thing to make us all warm this Monday morning. Stomping on ice is usually the first thing we all must do, but collecting the pieces comes a close second. This precious piece of ice was rearranged and then put back together, edge matching corner, curves matching line. How could you resist?

“Let’s use the ice for windows at the fairy beach house!” Yes, yes we will.

First of all, fairy beach house. In the winter. We all want to go. Secondly, ice for windows . . . brilliant. Love it. Of course, ice should be windows. Ice as a loose part is both fleeting and precious. This combination means that sparks fly and creativity expands thinking. Ice on a low winter sun day is especially pretty. Holding it to the sunlight to discover all that is held within is always a treat.

Catching the light.